Two Months in New Zealand

Two Months in New Zealand

My time spent in New Zealand was like a peaceful dream on this journey. I started living with such ease that I didn’t want to leave. Time slowed and the beauty of the country settled in. I spent one month on each island and traveled by car, bus, plane and boat....
Traveling Through Time in Russell

Traveling Through Time in Russell

A visit to historic Russell on New Zealand’s North Island was a step back in time. Normal architecture fell away, while charm and style from days past shone here. White picket fences lined the small streets that have kept their original layout since 1843. The time...
One Sweet Sunset Spot at Hahei Beach

One Sweet Sunset Spot at Hahei Beach

Tonight I walked south on Hahei Beach, the light a golden hue on the cliffs at the far end of the sandy stretch. I marveled at the orange bluffs with huge trees growing over the edge supporting a rope swing weathered by kids of summers passed. Water etches patterns of...
Exploring the Kauri Coast

Exploring the Kauri Coast

I traveled north in New Zealand to see the giant Kauri trees that grace the Waipoua Forest there. They are the oldest and largest trees in the country, some aging over 2,000 years. Being the tree lover that I am, the Kauri Walk was one of my favorite walks during my...
Sunrise at Cathedral Cove

Sunrise at Cathedral Cove

A popular destination on the North Island of New Zealand, Cathedral Cove was quiet this morning as the sun rose over the water in a golden light. I left the popular cave area and walked to this rock formation that was sculpted anew when the sun’s glow graced its...