
The Golden City of Jaisalmer

The Golden City of Jaisalmer

The golden city of Jaisalmer is a labyrinth of stone and sunlight. Its greatest feature, the Jaisalmer Fort rises out of a hill, rolling through the cloudless sky with a wave of curved outer walls. Built from yellow sandstone, it glows in the heart of Thar desert. One...

Finding Favorites in Six Months of Solo Travel

Finding Favorites in Six Months of Solo Travel

What does a memory contain that makes you fall in love with a place? What qualities make you bottle it up and put it on a shelf in your heart as a favorite travel destination? My own recipe for a perfect getaway includes a dash of small town charm, pleasant people and...

Finding Love

Finding Love

As I walked back to my apartment on the shores of Perast, I noticed all the couples walking hand in hand. I often feel the pangs of loneliness when traveling. I haven't had a lasting boyfriend in a long time and rarely go on dates. Sometimes I feel a wave of...

Never Always Pai

Never Always Pai

I'll never ride a motorbike. I remember saying those words when prepping for my trip around the world. I've been in Pai one day and I'm zipping through lime colored fields in the countryside holding onto my new friend tightly trying to swallow my fear. I first rode...

Tasty Slices of Pai

Tasty Slices of Pai

I've discovered little bites of heaven and they reside in Pai. I fell in love with the sleepy town in northern Thailand not only for its laid back pace of life and beautiful scenery, but also for its delicious food. Cute little cafes and quaint bakeries led me down...



Seville you swirl around me, washing my mind with colorful memories of your streets with sharp turns and never-ending cathedrals. Bells clang in the air each morning and dancers stomp their rapid rhythms on stage at night. Music and fire from the flamenco send chills...

Walking Through Fire Mountains

Walking Through Fire Mountains

Can you hear that? The sound of silence? Your breath barely even audible and not one noise from the outside world makes its way into your senses. Your chest constricts just a little as the walls and ceiling are mere inches from you and the quiet has left you with...