The Green Enough Grass

The Green Enough Grass

The world is under my skin, itching to be discovered. The songs of foreign lands flow through my veins and a thirst to explore never seems quenched. One trip hasn’t finished when I’m already fantasizing about the next. Yet during my time in Thailand, the grass started...
Broken & Brave: When Bad Things Happen On the Road

Broken & Brave: When Bad Things Happen On the Road

I hover over a bathroom sink in Thailand scrubbing my shoes with a sponge and cleaner that smells of cherry and disinfectant. My sneakers were once bright and colorful—they would attract compliments and questions as to where I bought them. I discovered them on a rainy...
The Abandoned Mill

The Abandoned Mill

One of my reasons for visiting Sorrento Italy wasn’t the usual stunning cliffs and seaside views, but the Valley of the Mills which resides further in near Tasso Square. The abandoned mill is easy to miss as it’s tucked away behind the city’s...
Amazing Greece: A Photo Journey

Amazing Greece: A Photo Journey

Two sisters unite in ancient Athens. We stand on stone older than Christ and gaze at the city mixed with ruins far below. The sun’s last rays dip each column into a golden light and we wander down through green spaces and savor the view from below. We leave...
Here Comes the Rain Again

Here Comes the Rain Again

I’m starting a new section on the blog. “Moments” will be more frequent, featuring a single photo and caption from my days on this incredible journey. The first is from the island in Thailand I’m currently on, Ko Pha Ngan. As I post this photo, the lights...