
Days in Dubrovnik

Days in Dubrovnik

In the early days of September, I wandered a city with walls that stretched on forever. I went out each morning with the intention of getting lost. My sandals wandered alleys where cream stone shone in sunlight around each twist and turn. Orange tiled rooftops created...

The Best for Last in Luang Prabang

The Best for Last in Luang Prabang

As I walked down the streets of Luang Prabang in the evening light, I instantly knew I would love it. I had only just arrived and was reuniting with a friend I made in Thailand. I walked in quiet past a few shops and restaurants with colorful lanterns illuminating the...

Swimming Under and Over Stars

Swimming Under and Over Stars

Last night at Hopewell, five of us braved the cool sea and swam out into dark waters. Each person jumping off the jetty and giving a gasp or yelp as the crisp coldness enveloped our bodies. Soon the temperature was far from our minds as we marveled in the miracle of...

Exploring the Vast: Wharariki Beach

Exploring the Vast: Wharariki Beach

I made my way down the grassy path towards Wharariki Beach, over farmland and steep hilly pastures in the dark. The night sky shone with a brilliance rarely seen elsewhere, as the stars still glimmered overhead, free from any light pollution. There wasn’t a cloud to...

A Woman, Her Spirit and a Dream

A Woman, Her Spirit and a Dream

Imagine if we all took our talents and applied them to a cause, something to make this world a better place. If we did something not for the glory and fame, not for the likes on social media, but to help others. I know a young woman doing just that. I met Marie Palzer...